February 2022 Update

So it’s been a while since I last mentioned anything huh? Basically it’s been an entire year since I have last said anything. With 2020 as crazy as a year as it was, personally, saw continued growth. I mean its not like I was just going to do nothing for a year amirite? Not quite my style anyways.

To update you all, I am still continuing my work as a QA Analyst for Jackbox Games. A rather strange but kind of obvious observation I came to recently was that I have been apart of making more games outside of a studio than inside. I know the game industry takes many different forms but for the longest time I thought that would lead to a studio and technically speaking, it did. However the pandemic hit which forced literally everyone everywhere to do things differently. Since then we have remained work from home and seem to be maintaining this sort of hybrid role. Where some people go into the office but most people stay home. Its still shocking to me that I found stability in the most uncertain of times.

As I mentioned in my last New Years resolution I wanted do more in the world of content creation and boy did I. Obviously, my career and first passion is in the industry but I have found another passion in streaming and content creation. Since I have taken this a bit more serious as of late with sticking to more of a schedule,networking more, and putting more content on various social media. We were even granted the opportunity to join a stream team called The Collective. All of this combined has turned into some steady (but slow) growth with a close tight-knit community. We’ve even seen growth on a new platform (Hover). Within a few months of using Hover we have soared to 150 followers, with over 2k profile views, and people that visit the stream from Hover all the time.

I will admit that doing GLOG posts has taken a back seat since I have been streaming more. The last GLOG post hasn’t been for a while and the YouTube video component just never happened. Well technically it did, just never finished editting it. I would love to revamp and do this again, however, I may have to temper expeectation and cut off the YouTube video portion. Well at least till either I get a better grasp on everything, figure out an efficient creation pipeline, or get an editor (LOL).

As always, until next time and stay safe,


Written on February 21, 2022