Quick Page Update

I had spent a little time recently trying to update some games and getting them onto the site buuuuut alas we ran into some snags. So as it turns out pretty much all of the older projects that I had worked on in college were built on a VERY old version of Unity. Were talkin like almost a decade ago (SHEESH time flies). Sadly, after college I did not keep up with working in Unity and time past. Eventually, I found my way into the game industry.

This brings us to now. If you have seen some of my other posts recently, you would have seen that after going through a few rough months I have entered this sort of ‘new phase’. This, I guess we’ll call it a period of enlightenment has lead me to really leaning into more about games. I suppose feeling better, playing Cyberpunk, and reading DOOM Guy while taking notes helped aid getting to this point. Anywho, as result, I have been looking into programming more, into game design more, into level design more and part of that ambition I have been updating the site the site more. Both with more professional stuff and some more content and fun stuff.

The original intent was that at some point, I would be able to get a sort of ‘Games’ or ‘Arcade’ section to the site. Then I could display the older projects I have worked on and people could play them on the site. Well I am going to have to partially pivot on this. My older Unity projects from college are far too old to be effectively updated. I attempted to open them after nearly a decade and to no ones surprise they didnt work. They are from Unity 4 which they dont even list on their download archive page anymore and unfortunately, my knowledge of C# and Unity is not good enough to be able to update those projects and make new web builds. So now the new idea will be that if I make a sort of new game / demo / verticle slice / interactive story I can add them to that section.

To try and do at least a little something for the older projects I worked on, I was successfully able to get a build of a single project, Dym, which was my Senior Indie Game Project game. Its rough but technically works. So I zipped the build up, uploaded it to Google Drive, then linked the package on the website. That’s prolly the first form of a demo on the site! In addition to the Dym demo. I also added the Dym GDD, gifs, and model pictures. Then I also added photo albums of Charred Alive (the fire safety simulation I worked on) and got a gif of the Skull Kid project I worked on. So the ‘Portfolio’ section has been spruced up a little bit.

Written on March 28, 2024