The times they are a changin'

“New Horizons”

Since I have had a decent amount of time on my hands recently, I have been trying to stay proactive. Although some days its easier than others. Recently, like I mentioned in my last post, that I wanted to try and change things. Well I am pleased to say that I have re-taken up programming. Well at least attempting to re-learn it. I have been focussing mostly on C++ with a little bit of dabbling in HTML. Mostly the HTML practice is coming from trying to learn and update this site, which I must admit has been taking some huge strides in recent weeks.

I have always seen programming as a very daunting task. I always dreaded my programming class. Not because I didnt like the teacher or my classmates or anything, but because I just knew I was not a strong programmer and I knew it was going to be something that I struggled with. Maybe it was because I was fresh outta high school but I neglected to ask questions and really dive into the learning. Maybe it was the small town high school but it seemed frowned upon to ask questions back then. Which to me now just seems stupid. At the time I just didnt want to hold the class up.

Needless to say, I buckled down and started to go through it. Maybe going at my own pace ill be able to learn it and more importantly understand it. Granted most of the stuff I have been going through has been pretty basic. For myself I find that taking notes and writing things down definitely helps me understand the material and it also makes it so I have some reference. As it stands, I think I am understanding the concepts more. I go over my notes a decent amount to make sure I understand. I also find that as I have been completing chapters I have been going over them and explaining them to my better half. Explaining it also helps me learn it so its a win-win. I have mostly been using Code Academy lessons because its free, then sometimes I read over a C++ for dummies book I found online. I have never read one of those types of books before so I am hoping that they can explain C++ in a way that I can understand. When the time calls I checkout a C++ reference manual that I found online.

Thats all for now, until next time!

Written on June 18, 2019