And Here We Go!
##Getting Things Started Well what can I say. It’s the start of a brand new path for me, a more professional path. It’s been long overdue, but just in time for GDC I was finally able to get a website of my own and start a blog of my own too. I mean at one point me and a friend of mine from back home used to run a website, it was pretty much exactly like (the video game cheat website). We gave up on that after a short while, we were in middle/high school so we had short attention spans.
Anyways back to my main point. Eventhough I am new to the blog and professional world, I am pleased to be able to share parts of it with you. I will continously update my blog when I can, and information about things im doing and current projects that I am working on.
What can I say, im really looking forward to where things will go from here.